Parent Support Services

We offer two types of parent support services -

Parent Developmental Packages and Parent Coaching

Infant Feeding Parent Packages

We offer individualized 3-part intensive support packages to help parents learn about how to best feed their babies.

We understand there is a lot of information out there about how to best feed your baby and it can be confusing.
Schedule your virtual 1:1 video package with a licensed and certified infant feeding specialist
and get your specific questions answered with our live classes specifically tailored to your needs!

Infant Breast/Chest

Ages 0-12 months

  1. Latch, swallowing, and how to make sure they’re getting enough

  2. Positioning and motor development

    • Positions for feeding

    • Tummy time, side-lying, sitting, and their importance in feeding success

  3. Equipment

    • Boppy/breastfeeding pillows

    • Pacifiers

Infant Bottle/Combo

Ages 0-12 months

  1. Latch, swallowing, and how to make sure they’re getting enough

  2. Positioning and motor development

    • Positions for feeding

    • Paced bottle feeding

    • Tummy time, side-lying, sitting, and their importance in feeding success

  3. Equipment

    • Bottle types/nipples/sizes

    • Boppy/breastfeeding pillows

    • Pacifiers

Intro to Solids

Ages 5-9 months

Sign of readiness, body positioning, and motor development

  1. Baby-led weaning vs utensils

    • Understanding responsive feeding cues

    • Size of foods for safety

  2. Cups and straws

    • Introducing water

  3. Introducing new foods and sensory exploration

    • Guidelines about mixing foods, flavors, and textures

Continuing Solids

Ages 10-24 months

Sensory exploration, food jobs, and introducing new foods

  1. Body positioning and motor development

    • How crawling, walking, and hand exploration support feeding

  2. Utensils overview

    • Promoting self-feeding through spoons and foks

  3. Cups and straws

    • Water and milk drinking

    • Weaning off of bottle

Parent Coaching

What is Parent Coaching?

Parent Coaching is essentially about relationships. Miraculous changes take place because of a sustained, loving, celebratory relationship. It’s that simple, yet so demanding. At The Airplane Spoon, we are dedicated to honoring relationships in all of their forms. You will receive a personalized program designed to support your individual needs.

We are here to assist and empower all parents to...

  • Prioritize their children’s optimal development

  • Specifically understand their child’s unique learning profile, especially if their child has any developmental delay, difference, or disability

  • Make time and have the necessary support in daily parenting decisions

  • Focus on amplifying the positive and appreciating the good in themselves and in their children

  • Be confident, competent, clear in their Parenting Identity

  • Take good care of themselves, knowing that being the best for children starts with healthy self-nurturance to renew the energy it takes to parent well

  • Gain access to a PCI Certified Parent Coach® who affirms and develops their strengths and inner wisdom while providing expert guidance through our co-constructive coaching process.

What does Parent Coaching look like?

Parent Coaching starts with an initial consultation to learn more about the family’s needs and challenges.

The Parent Coaching program is a 10-session commitment. Each session lasts 60 minutes and can be in-person (at our Menlo Park, California office), virtual video, or over the phone and the same determined day/time schedule each week for 10 weeks. Children are not present during coaching calls.

After each session, parents will receive an email summary with action and thought items.

The coaching program costs $2000 ($200/session) and is not reimbursable by insurance.

